The Holy Grail is inextricably linked with the mysterious family known to the ruling elite as the Merovingian Dynasty; the strange moniker used in “The Da Vinci Code,” “The Matrix” and others due to the undeniable power it holds. These Merovingian’s are said to be a dynasty of priest-kings, with magical powers – but how do they come upon these powers? Some say they are descendants of God himself via His Son, Jesus, and his wife, Mary Magdalene. Some even go so far as to say that the Merovingian’s were descended from an ultra-ancient race of fallen angels that spawned the globe, taking wisdom and knowledge with them as Atlantis sank. The truth is that the line of Merovech was very special and worshiped the serpent. Their history is one of the most magical, mystical and murderous tales. We discover that their very bloodline was so special to a secret and sacred order of serpent worshipers that their lives were in constant danger. They also held a dark secret that was twisted out of all recognition by the Christian Church. Prepare to discover the real secret of the Da Vinci Code and the true ruling powers on earth. Prepare to discover Da Vinci’s Darkest Secret. “Mind blowing in its implications on religion.” – Tom Sims, United Media Network. “When you think you know the story, along comes a film like this.” – Awesome Mag.